

Created by Gavan Brown of Roxley Games

A game of auctioning and artistic egos, for 2 to 4 players.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Sept. 8 - KS Exclusive Key & Coin Preview, Seeking Rulebook Feedback!
over 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 09, 2022 at 01:46:03 AM

TL;DR: Things are going well. We'd love your feedback on the rulebook before we declare it final (links below). BackerKit surveys will lock down on Tuesday, Nov. 8th, and charge cards on Thursday, Nov. 10th.

Things are coming along nicely!

We have added survey lockdown dates to the calendar. We are planning to lock down BackerKit surveys on Tuesday Nov 8th, and to charge cards on Thursday, Nov 10th.

If these dates are a problem for you in any fashion (for example, if you want to request early billing, or you know you will be moving after those dates, etc.) please email [email protected] with the details of your situation and your request, and our team will assist you.

Insert Design

We now have a potentially final insert design submitted to the manufacturer for a technical review. It is extremely functional and also very beautiful - we can't wait to show that one off in a future update, after it's been greenlit!

Essentials & Collector's Edition Print Components

We received back digital proofs of the submitted prints, and have made final edits and changes before resubmitting everything in a very polished state. Next step: physical, printed proofs!.

We're continuing to work back and forth with the manufacturer to adjust all of our 3D files to meet their engineering requirements, to ensure that as the miniatures enter production, their details are crisp and at a scale that will get captured well in molding. There are simply a ton of these beautiful components in this game, so this is very time consuming - but we are making excellent progress!

Metal Key

We are extremely happy with the proof we received of the Kickstarter Exclusive metal key and coin. They are beautiful, have a great feel in your hands, and the interlocking coin is very satisfying to play with!

Kickstarter Exclusive metal Key To The City, with accompanying coin. Banana for scale.

And for the biggest news in this category, let's talk about The Rulebook.


One thing that can be very frustrating as a game publisher is that no matter how good your editorial team is - and no matter how many review passes you do - tiny little errors sometimes still escape your scrutiny to end up in the final printed product. It's SO annoying to discover these later, when manufacturing (or worse yet, fulfillment) is already finished.

We really love Skyrise and want it to be as perfect as possible - so we'd love your help avoiding this! 

Our fantastic rules team has been polishing and editing the rulebook, and the draft we have is at a stage in the process where a set of fresh eyes could be just what the visionary architect ordered. So if you'd like to give it a once-over, you can find it at the link below! We'll be tremendously grateful if you let us know via the linked form (please don't flood our email with notes) about any explanations that are unclear, too confusing, spelling errors, etc. 

See The Latest Draft Here:


Provide Your Feedback Here:


Thank you for helping us polish this gem into flawnessness, and for helping the game to thrive!

Preorder sales are live! For more information, see our product page HERE. Preorders placed soon will have their order shipped at the same time as regular backers and will have access to all Kickstarter content.

We'll be back soon with the next update. 

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow us everywhere. Make it weird.

August 26 - Still On Schedule! Spotlight on Lina Bo Bardi
over 1 year ago – Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 03:07:32 AM

TL;DR: Not much to report this week. We are still on schedule. Spotlight on Lina Bo Bardi.

We're happy to report that things are coming along nicely! 

Some of you have been asking to see final images of the wash - we don't have those yet, but we will definitely be able to provide them prior to the pledge manager closing, for those whose decisions may hinge on it (there's still lots of time left for that at this point.)

Insert Design

We have been working with the very talented Gabriel Martin (of Black Thumb Creations) to create the amazing insert for this game. We have been iterating on it to get all of the many delightful components in the box safely, while still keeping the box down to a very reasonable size. We can't wait to show you the results once they get a little further along!

Essentials & Collector's Edition Print Components

All of the print components have been submitted and are currently being reviewed for production. Once we receive a proof we will definitely be sharing some photos!


All of the building, island and blimp 3D files have been submitted and are being iterated on so that they will meet the engineering requirements for mold production. This is a back and forth process that takes time, but progress is moving along very nicely.


We have been carefully proofing and editing the rulebook, and are in the works of creating a final draft. When this is ready we will be excited to share it here.


(December 5, 1914 – March 20, 1992)

Lina Bo Bardi was a Brazilian architect who strongly believed in the potential of structures to enhance and shape culture. She integrated Italian rationalism and American modernism with local vernacular design into uniquely creative buildings, designed for both art and practicality.

Bo Bardi was a Renaissance woman, endlessly studying, writing, inventing, drawing, painting, and lecturing. In addition to architecture, she created jewelry, furniture, costumes, theatrical set pieces, and new ways to display art. A master of adaptation at every level, she never stopped learning new stylistic elements and exploring new construction materials and techniques and transforming existing structures into fantastic new creations.

Bo Bardi expressed her love for her country through designs that prioritized preserving local history, local building materials and artisans, and public accessibility and usability. Her quest to enrich, protect, and promote Brazilian culture would lead her to create many of Brazil’s most iconic cultural buildings and make her one of the most prolific women architects of the 20th century.

Preorder sales are live! For more information, see our product page HERE. Preorders placed soon will have their order shipped at the same time as regular backers and will have access to all Kickstarter content.

We'll be back soon with the next update. See some of you at FallCon!

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow us everywhere. Make it weird.

August 12 - All Renders Complete! Gen Con Gallery! Spotlight on Paul R. Williams
over 1 year ago – Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 04:50:37 AM

TL;DR: all renders are complete so we're on schedule. Gen Con images below. Spotlight on Paul R. Williams. Preorders are now open.

We've Been Rendered Speechless!

Master renderer James has had his hands full with all of the unique sculpts required for this project - but we're pleased to announce that all of them are finished now, and we're still on schedule! Check out this amazing 3D preview of the new Small Sandstone building:

We'd have to show off for you in this update, but we've already put James back to work on another super secret project, which we'll be announcing just as soon as (***CENSORED***)

Last weekend, the Roxley and Dice Throne teams shared a booth at the one and only Gen Con, and got to show off the physical prototype of Skyrise to people in person!

We also had fan-favorites Radlands, Brass, Dice Throne, Marvel Dice Throne, and Dice Throne Adventures - and it was standing room only in the booth, so it's just as well we didn't have more!

For those who couldn't make it, check out this awesome gallery of images care of Alison Burrell Photography!


(February 18, 1894 – January 23, 1980)

Paul Revere Williams was an architect whose modern interpretations of Tudor-revival, French Chateau, Regency, French Country, and Mediterranean architecture influenced Hollywood architecture both on and off the silver screen.

A master draftsman, Williams perfected the skill of drawing upside down to work across the desk from white clients who were uncomfortable sitting beside a black man. He would tour construction sites with his hands clasped behind his back as he didn’t know who would be willing to shake his hand.

Ironically, Williams couldn’t legally purchase or even stay in many of the structures he designed and built. But celebrities loved his mansions, his luxuriant curving staircases, and his unique ability to make grand spaces feel cozy, and the homes he built for them helped establish Southern California as an icon of glamor and luxury.

To Williams, this popularity and success provided the means to pursue his own vision: that every building he created would open doors for the next generation.

Preorder sales are live! For more information, see our product page HERE. Preorders placed soon will have their order shipped at the same time as regular backers and will have access to all Kickstarter content.

We'll be back soon with the next update.

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow us everywhere. Make it weird.

July 28 - BackerKit Surveys Next Week! See You At Gen Con!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 01:01:24 AM

Pledge manager "smoke test" surveys coming on Monday for some backers, remaining surveys soon afterwards. Meet the Roxley and Dice Throne teams at Gen Con at Booth 2422A!

Team Roxley has been working hard to prepare the pledge manager for this campaign, and the first surveys are nearly ready!

This Monday, a small percentage of backers will be sent surveys first as an initial "smoke test" of the pledge manager system. Once we've verified everything is working as planned, the remainder will be sent soon thereafter. After you've all had the chance to confirm your pledge levels, addresses, and add-ons, we'll open the Preorder store for those who missed the campaign.

We hope this pledge manager will be fairly straightforward, but we've done our best to anticipate some of your more common questions which we'll answer below.

What If I Don't Get The Survey Email?

Firstly, these may still be being sent into early next week, so don't panic if you're not part of the initial smoke test!

For those who are concerned, the first step would be to double check that your email address is correct in BackerKit.  And as always, you should also double check your spam/bulk/filtered folders, to make sure that the email didn't get sorted out of your main inbox. If you don't hear from us by our next update, then you should check in with us at [email protected]

What If Kickstarter Was Unable To Bill Me Successfully?

We'll still have a record that you *tried* to pledge, so no need to stress. If you're in this situation and you've already messaged us, we'll get to you soon! If not, please drop us an email at [email protected]; we can still manually add you to the pledge manager as if you were an original backer.

When Does This Need To Be Filled Out By?

The closing date also isn't locked down yet, but you will have at minimum a few weeks to fill it out. We will announce the exact date well in advance in a future update.

What If I Have Trouble Filling Out My Survey?

If you have technical difficulties, the instructions are not clear, or you can't find the specific combination of pledge items you would like, please message [email protected] with the specifics of what you need and we'll be happy to follow up with you.

Or, just follow the sound of diabolical clucking.

If you're going to be at Gen Con this year, come visit us at booth 2422A! We'll have a physical prototype of Skyrise to show off, as well as Radlands (both Deluxe and Super Deluxe) and Deluxe editions of Brass for sale - plus all the goodies our Dice Throne friends are bringing, including the Marvel Dice Throne Battle Chest, and an advance prototype of Dice Throne: Santa v Krampus!

We are expecting Preorder sales to go live soon! If you'd like an alert when they do, you can sign up for one HERE. Preorders placed soon will have their order shipped at the same time as regular backers and will have access to all Kickstarter content.

We'll be back soon with the next update.

Keep rollin' sixes!

Team Roxley

Follow us everywhere. Make it weird.

THANK YOU For An Amazing Finish! Now - What Comes Next?
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 02, 2022 at 11:32:25 PM

TL;DR: THANK YOU! The pledge manager will open in a couple of weeks' time, as well as Preorders for the public. What to do if you have payment or pledging issues (short version: Kickstarter will attempt to solve these until next week; after which you can email [email protected]).

What a mind-blowing finish! Thank you everyone for your amazing support in this campaign!

We are very impressed with the positive and constructive atmosphere in the comments section. We are so thankful for everyone's amazing constructive suggestions. Please know that many of your comments have helped form the game into what it will become.

Thank you again for your continued belief in Roxley and the games we make.

- Gavan 

Due to an incredible effort from our supporters over the course of the campaign, and especially in the last few days, EVERY single Funding Quest we announced was achieved! Because of you, we were able to add a host of upgrades to the Collector's Edition (and a few to the Essentials Edition, too), including highlights like the 52 unique building sculpts per game, the blimp miniatures, and the extended rulebook featuring biographies and art for the game's eight Visionaries.

We saw you organizing buddy buys with your friends. We saw you in the comments, helping each other to addon shipping and taxes. We saw your thread on Boardgamegeek encouraging each other.

And we are so grateful to all of you, for helping us make Skyrise the best possible game it can be.

Before the city of Skyrise can be built, Team Roxley is going to take a few days off to catch up on sleep, visit with our families and recover our energy, so we can be bright and fresh when we return to work next week.

Kickstarter Payment Processing

Kickstarter should by now have billed your pledge to the credit card associated to your Kickstarter account. If there are any issues, they will automatically try to resolve them for several days; this process takes care of itself in most cases, but you can try to reach their support department if necessary at support (at), if you have something special that needs to be asked or addressed.

NOTE: Team Roxley does not have access to their payment and support portal during this time. We'll be happy to support you with any issues you have, but we can't do anything for the majority of cases until Kickstarter has finished this process and exports the final backer data to us.

The Pledge Manager

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be finalizing and testing the pledge manager. (Once we have this setup, we can start to assist backers who have any issues Kickstarter could not resolve.) When this is finished, you'll be automatically sent a survey link; in that survey, you'll have the option to confirm or upgrade your pledge, add any add-ons or additional copies, provide your shipping address, and confirm your shipping charge and any taxes that apply. Roxley will use a reputable and secure pledge management platform for this.

Note: As stated throughout the campaign and in the FAQ, backers who backed for only $1 will not receive a survey link. You will still be able to purchase Skyrise as a Preorder when that option becomes available.

Ongoing Updates

As with our other Kickstarter projects, we want to keep our supporters up to date with all the news, so we will be publishing continuing updates until the games have been fulfilled (even if there's sometimes no real news to report, we still want to stay in touch; it's what we would prefer in your shoes).

Those of you who follow our social media channels already know we post regular images of our games and components; Skyrise will be added to the mix of those, so you'll be able to catch regular glimpses of additional content from the game by following us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We'd love to see you joining the conversation at Boardgamegeek, and for all the news about our upcoming future projects, you can sign up for our newsletter at, follow us right here on Kickstarter, and subscribe to our  YouTube channel.

Sign up HERE for an alert when Preorder sales go live! Preorders placed before fulfillment begins will have their order shipped at the same time as regular backers, and will have access to all Kickstarter content, unless specified in the Preorder item description (although we will not be able to offer the same pricing and shipping as we did for campaign backers).

Oh yeah... plus, one last thing:

What's Going On With Dice Throne?

Christmas in July?!? What the heck are our dice rolling comrades up to this time?

Sign up via this Facebook Event for the big reveal, or check out any of Dice Throne's social media accounts on Tuesday for all the exciting details!

We'll be back soon with the next update.

Keep rollin' sixes,

 Team Roxley

Follow us everywhere. Make it weird.
Here on Kickstarter