A game of auctioning and artistic egos, for 2 to 4 players.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
4 Nov - Extending Pledge Manager Close Date
about 2 years ago
– Sat, Nov 05, 2022 at 12:26:08 AM
We had expected to have the wash samples by now to share with you to help you decide if you wanted to add this to your pledge. Since we do not, we’ve decided to push back the close date on Backerkit to allow more time for you to make an informed decision about adding the wash to your copy of Skyrise.
We plan to lock down BackerKit surveys on Thursday, Nov 30th, and charge cards on Friday, Dec1st. Please update/mark your calendars accordingly!
We'll be back next week with our regularly scheduled status update. Have a great weekend!
14 Oct. - We're Back from SPIEL with the latest production update!
about 2 years ago
– Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 10:26:26 PM
The team is back from a great SPIEL! Thanks to those of you who were at the show and came by to say hello. :D We have some photos to share but first, let's get an update on production:
All Print Components
Our manufacturer is currently working on proofs of these components for us. We have spent some time working on the gold foil applications for the cards and game box, and we can't wait to show this once we receive a sample. We think they will look very, very nice.
We are organizing and implementing the great feedback we received to improve our rulebook.
Insert Design
The 3D design is with our manufacturer. They are currently working towards proofs for our review.
3D Components
We have now received most of the sculpts back from the manufacturer, modified in a way they can produce. We have approved about 50% of them and are working back and forth to perfect the remainder to our liking.
Unfortunately, creating a wash sample is not simple. To do so, we must:
Approve all 3D files
Receive and approve 3D prints of those files (we need to ensure every design can physically stand upside down!)
The manufacturer must create a physical mold of those files (which is a long process)
The manufacturer must provide several samples of the wash effect
We must work back and forth with the manufacturer until we achieve a wash result we are happy to move forward with (this result must be tweaked for each of the four building colors we are offering)
We understand that backers want to see a wash before investing in it. And so, we are currently looking into pushing forward one of our building color designs to completion to expedite this process for that one colour so that we can hopefully at least provide an accurate comparison for you. We will let you know in the next update what the status of this idea is.
Ok, not impressed with our blurry team photo? It's ok. Luckily, BoardgameShot Mateusz Zajda was on site to help us out.
Where is Skyrise? Well, our prototype is very delicate, so we didn't bring it with us, but you know we will have the final there with us next year!
REMINDER: We plan to lock down BackerKit surveys on Tuesday, Nov 8th, and charge cards on Thursday, Nov 10th. Please mark your calendars accordingly!
Sept. 23 - General Progress Update + Red Wax Samples!
over 2 years ago
– Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 11:59:27 PM
ICYMI, in the last update, we noted that we plan to lock down BackerKit surveys on Tuesday, Nov 8th, and charge cards on Thursday, Nov 10th. Please mark your calendars accordingly!
We have all balls (beams?) in the manufacturer's court (what is the building version of this idiom? I am not sure.) This means we have submitted files and are waiting on proofs for various aspects of Skyrise. The breakdown is as follows.
Insert Design
The manufacturer is currently making us a prototype. Once we have confirmed it works perfectly, we will be delighted to share it with you!
Essentials & Collector's Edition Print Components
The manufacturer is currently working on proofs for all of the printed components.
We have over half of the miniature designs adjusted and ready for manufacturing. We are still working on the remainder, but the progress is very good. Once we have everything fully approved, we will share some renders of what the new sculpts will look like! For now, here is an example of a Work In Progress!
These are called red wax sculpts, and they are made by the manufacturer to test for moldability and to try to represent as many details as will be present on the final model. *Note these are still work in progress and thus not indicative of -exactly- what the final will look like, but it is getting very close.
Miniature Wash
A wash effect of this nature combines the final plastic colour with a custom blended wash color, and the two mingle together to create the desired result. The thing that makes getting the sample tricky is that a building cannot be rapidly prototyped in exact plastic colors (prototype resins come in a select few color options). And so, we can only get an accurate sample with a finished injection mold filled with our selected plastics. This means that many proofing steps must come first before we can show what the game will look like with washed miniatures. We do currently have 1 example of 1 miniature with a wash (which looks phenomenal, by the way), but it is done in basically whatever brown color they had on hand, and we do not want to share it around because it is not yet indicative of the final product. As soon as we are able, we will be sharing photos of a setup full board with and without the wash effect, but until we have the proofs in our hands, you will have to bear with us and know that we are progressing towards this goal in all the ways that matter.
Thank you so much for all your feedback on the rulebook! We are currently organizing the notes into an edit list and will use that to refine the rulebook further.
Sept. 8 - KS Exclusive Key & Coin Preview, Seeking Rulebook Feedback!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Sep 09, 2022 at 01:46:03 AM
Things are coming along nicely!
We have added survey lockdown dates to the calendar. We are planning to lock down BackerKit surveys on Tuesday Nov 8th, and to charge cards on Thursday, Nov 10th.
If these dates are a problem for you in any fashion (for example, if you want to request early billing, or you know you will be moving after those dates, etc.) please email [email protected] with the details of your situation and your request, and our team will assist you.
Insert Design
We now have a potentially final insert design submitted to the manufacturer for a technical review. It is extremely functional and also very beautiful - we can't wait to show that one off in a future update, after it's been greenlit!
Essentials & Collector's Edition Print Components
We received back digital proofs of the submitted prints, and have made final edits and changes before resubmitting everything in a very polished state. Next step: physical, printed proofs!.
We're continuing to work back and forth with the manufacturer to adjust all of our 3D files to meet their engineering requirements, to ensure that as the miniatures enter production, their details are crisp and at a scale that will get captured well in molding. There are simply a ton of these beautiful components in this game, so this is very time consuming - but we are making excellent progress!
Metal Key
We are extremely happy with the proof we received of the Kickstarter Exclusive metal key and coin. They are beautiful, have a great feel in your hands, and the interlocking coin is very satisfying to play with!
And for the biggest news in this category, let's talk about The Rulebook.
One thing that can be very frustrating as a game publisher is that no matter how good your editorial team is - and no matter how many review passes you do - tiny little errors sometimes still escape your scrutiny to end up in the final printed product. It's SO annoying to discover these later, when manufacturing (or worse yet, fulfillment) is already finished.
We really love Skyrise and want it to be as perfect as possible - so we'd love your help avoiding this!
Our fantastic rules team has been polishing and editing the rulebook, and the draft we have is at a stage in the process where a set of fresh eyes could be just what the visionary architect ordered. So if you'd like to give it a once-over, you can find it at the link below! We'll be tremendously grateful if you let us know via the linked form (please don't flood our email with notes) about any explanations that are unclear, too confusing, spelling errors, etc.
Thank you for helping us polish this gem into flawnessness, and for helping the game to thrive!
Preorder sales are live! For more information, see our product page HERE. Preorders placed soon will have their order shipped at the same time as regular backers and will have access to all Kickstarter content.